Непослушным Девушкам Тоже Нужна Любовь
Naughty Girls Need Love Too / Naughty Girls

- Раздел: Фильмы • Ретро порно фильмы
- Режиссер: Edwin Brown
- В ролях актеры: Rachel Ashley, Hyapatia Lee, Richard Pacheco, Randy West, Honey Wilder, Jamie Gillis, Mona Page, John Leslie, Ron Jeremy, Lynn Francis, Lyn Richards, Penelope Jones, Tina Marie
- Время: 01:36:52
- Перевод: Оригинал
A high-rise apartment in Marina Del Rey is the setting for this tale of lusty beachcombers and their dirty laundry. The building is home to a wide cross-section of folks, from a college Professor of Sexology to a former showgirl to a shy computer genius. The one thing they all have in common is a taste for wild sexual antics. While the Professor is busy 'tutoring' a couple of students in the art of Sapphic sex, the actress is experiencing her first taste of the Casting Couch. Meanwhile, a couple of buddies swap dates and find their true matches -- or at least their matches for the night! It's non-stop action as the Sexual Revolution is blown wide open in scene after scene of utter carnal pleasure
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